Do you ever doubt why you write fiction? Does that doubt hang you up and cause writer’s block? Time to Stop. Writer’s block stinks, as every fiction writer knows. You want to put words on the page, but for some reason you’re getting so hung up on the act of writing that you can’t do it. It feels like someone’s …
Why Writing a Love Story Is a Great Experience for Parents
When I was younger I never thought I'd write a novel specifically aimed at telling a love story. I grew up reading mainly books by Modernist writers like William Faulkner and Ernest Hemingway. I thought that for a novel to be "great literature" it had to explore serious topics like race, war, and abuse. Writing about love sounded so easy ...
Debutante Ball Interview
Get to Know Travis Better with this Up-close discussion.I'm excited about the interview with me that author Colleen Oakley published today on The Debutante Ball, a great website she hosts with four other talented authors. (Colleen's debut novel, Before I Go, was published in February 2015.) In the interview I talk about my journey through the traditional book publishing world, tips on ...